This is actually just one act of an entire musical. I need to do some more research on the group that decided to make this and how, but the whole thing is pure magic. Watch it, and you may get hooked on the whole blasted thing. =D
Just a smidge more honesty
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Upon reading my last post, one can't help but notice how obvious it is that I've been single all my life. XD
But I will leave it just as it is. No shame.
But I will leave it just as it is. No shame.
Since you've been gone...
I have officially lived an entire week without the consumption of Dr. Pepper (or any other soda for that matter, with the exception of a small cup of punch that was half Sprite). Yes, it had to happen. None of this "let's take a break" or "give each other some space" bull-hockey. I ended it for good and, trust me, it's for the best. I shan't deny that it hurts, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would, honestly, which I find both sad and comforting. Made me realize I just didn't love him like I thought I did. Even so, the danger is still there. It still will probably take the passing of a few months before we can casually meet again without me getting pulled right back in by his charms.
This has been among the hardest of the steps I've taken recently to better care for myself, and I'm feeling rather empowered by it. But now, to bed, for good sleep is also necessary, and I've already brought tonight's amount down to 6.5 hours at best.
This has been among the hardest of the steps I've taken recently to better care for myself, and I'm feeling rather empowered by it. But now, to bed, for good sleep is also necessary, and I've already brought tonight's amount down to 6.5 hours at best.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Official Super-Rad Video of the Week
This is the first of what I hope shall become weekly installments. The Muppets have always held a special place in my heart. Enjoy.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Came to me out of nowhere...
"Anything is beautiful when viewed from the appropriate distance."
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Fringe Benefits
I have a job that lets me work around small children every once in a while, and I must say, it makes my heart happy.
At first, it didn't. Not that I didn't like kids, because I really do - it's just that "nervous" would have been a far more appropriate term. Small children hadn't been in my normal repertiore since the age of thirteen (back when my mother babysat full-time) and, as such, I had almost forgotten what to do with them. So the first time I failed to find enough childcare workers for a particular event and had to volunteer myself, I couldn't help feeling slightly frightened. At any rate, I know I was awkward around them, and I'm sure anybody - mothers especially - could clearly tell.
But practice makes...well, lots of improvement, anyway. At least the kiddies don't smell fear on me anymore. I'm almost good at this game, and I do adore them so. It feels wonderful, for example, when Gavin sees me on a Sunday morning and has to either wave really big or run over and hug me 'round the middle. Bless his ADHD little heart.
I'm still not one of those young women groaning inside going "I waaant oooooone." Not yet, at least. I mean, I do want children, fo sho, but the longing just doesn't plague me that deeply. Why yearn for one child of my own when I can just have Gavin, Cameron, Landen and Andrew two or three times a month?
At first, it didn't. Not that I didn't like kids, because I really do - it's just that "nervous" would have been a far more appropriate term. Small children hadn't been in my normal repertiore since the age of thirteen (back when my mother babysat full-time) and, as such, I had almost forgotten what to do with them. So the first time I failed to find enough childcare workers for a particular event and had to volunteer myself, I couldn't help feeling slightly frightened. At any rate, I know I was awkward around them, and I'm sure anybody - mothers especially - could clearly tell.
But practice makes...well, lots of improvement, anyway. At least the kiddies don't smell fear on me anymore. I'm almost good at this game, and I do adore them so. It feels wonderful, for example, when Gavin sees me on a Sunday morning and has to either wave really big or run over and hug me 'round the middle. Bless his ADHD little heart.
I'm still not one of those young women groaning inside going "I waaant oooooone." Not yet, at least. I mean, I do want children, fo sho, but the longing just doesn't plague me that deeply. Why yearn for one child of my own when I can just have Gavin, Cameron, Landen and Andrew two or three times a month?
Monday, January 11, 2010
You remind me of the babe...
So I just now realized that I misspelled nostril during the previous entry. My only comfort is that I misspelled it consistently. I'm not entirely sure why that's a comfort, but it is.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's listened to sermons/bible studies lately concerning the little episode when Jesus was 12 and his parents forgot him in Jerusalem and spent three days trying to find him. When they did find Jesus, as you may remember, he was hanging out in the temple absolutely blowing the religious scholars away with his knowledge and understanding of the scriptures.
And I wondered: do you think any of those scholars recognized him 18-21 years later? Or perhaps were even reminded of the boy who had astounded them with his insights?
(P.S. It is my dearest wish that someone catch the title reference.)
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's listened to sermons/bible studies lately concerning the little episode when Jesus was 12 and his parents forgot him in Jerusalem and spent three days trying to find him. When they did find Jesus, as you may remember, he was hanging out in the temple absolutely blowing the religious scholars away with his knowledge and understanding of the scriptures.
And I wondered: do you think any of those scholars recognized him 18-21 years later? Or perhaps were even reminded of the boy who had astounded them with his insights?
(P.S. It is my dearest wish that someone catch the title reference.)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Early Morning Rambles
I am never awake at 7:00 a.m. Never.
But then I've been kinda sick and spent a lot more of yesterday in bed than I'm used to.
Anyway, I've been gone for almost a month, and I apologize. Blogspot is just a weird thing to me compared to my previous blogging community. Maybe I'm just kind of an idiot and haven't figured things out yet, but it seems harder to find people here than it was on xanga. Anyway, after a month of moderately consistent bloggage (and commentage on a few friends' blogs) I was still without any following and slightly discouraged. My signing on a moment ago was also the first signing-on in a month and just sort of a random thing. I found I should have checked up on blogspot sooner, as I discovered it had earned me a free cd and a follower (many thanks to Sarah and Becky XD)!
Now, for this post to earn its title, I must vent my frustrations on my nose. Would that my nasal passages had pants in which I could give them a swift kick. You know how when you're congested and you can only breathe properly through one nostrel at a time and that nostrel REALLY gets to hurtin'? Exactly. TMI? Maybe, but there are scarier things I could tell you.
No pants to kick, so I think I'ma go snort salt water instead.
But then I've been kinda sick and spent a lot more of yesterday in bed than I'm used to.
Anyway, I've been gone for almost a month, and I apologize. Blogspot is just a weird thing to me compared to my previous blogging community. Maybe I'm just kind of an idiot and haven't figured things out yet, but it seems harder to find people here than it was on xanga. Anyway, after a month of moderately consistent bloggage (and commentage on a few friends' blogs) I was still without any following and slightly discouraged. My signing on a moment ago was also the first signing-on in a month and just sort of a random thing. I found I should have checked up on blogspot sooner, as I discovered it had earned me a free cd and a follower (many thanks to Sarah and Becky XD)!
Now, for this post to earn its title, I must vent my frustrations on my nose. Would that my nasal passages had pants in which I could give them a swift kick. You know how when you're congested and you can only breathe properly through one nostrel at a time and that nostrel REALLY gets to hurtin'? Exactly. TMI? Maybe, but there are scarier things I could tell you.
No pants to kick, so I think I'ma go snort salt water instead.
Realistically Speaking,

- Erica Grubaugh
- My name is Erica and I think too much...or maybe not enough. Or maybe I think too much but don't remember what I've thought so I could blog about it later. I really need to start carrying a notebook with me. Who knows what kind of money I could make with the craziness that happens in my head?
- beauty (1)
- Bible (1)
- Christianity (1)
- discussion (1)
- fear (1)
- God (1)
- perception (1)
- random (1)
- thoughts (1)
- vision (1)