It's things like having your vehicle ransacked that really show you who the healthy people in your life are.
You remember the discussion concerning "you can" and "you will" versus "you should" and "you need to"? I'm talking about the encouragers versus the nags. Not that the nags are totally devoid of valid arguments, but will not humanity ever learn that nagging is rarely effective and certainly never healthy?
Unfortunately, I cannot ever be rid of them, but perhaps they are present in my life so that I might not take for granted the encouragers. Truly, there are certain people in my life without whom I am pretty sure I would be a mere shell of a human being, and anything else said people might do to frustrate me is instantly forgiven when they ensure me of all the things I am capable of accomplishing.
There were those who spoke to me almost as though it served me right when Indy was pillaged. Yes, perhaps later I would have agreed that some valuable and much-needed lessons were learned, but to react not an hour afterward as though to suspect me of lying, and then proceed to speak to me like I deserve it?
But that's not what I'm here to write about.
There were others, you see. There were people who stood waiting for me in their doorway as I pulled up, holding a trash bag, ready to cover my broken window. There were people who urged me not to hold back as I ranted and raved, and then showed me how I was going to take this slam, turn it around, and use it to fully appreciate all the good things that have come my way recently. There were people who hugged me. People who got angrier than I did. People who asked, before anything else, if I was okay.
Those are some damn good people. Thank you, Jesus, for those people.
Just a smidge more honesty
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
On the other hand...
You know those times where you think of the things you should have said about an hour after you should have said them (or a day...or five minutes...either way it's too late)?
It's the story of my life, and I don't just mean the witty things. I'm talking about the things that needed to be said. The ways I really should have reacted. Yeah, we agreed that "the joke" needed to die, but it was a window into okay-really-where-is-this-going? and I managed to not even think of saying anything else outside of "yeah...that joke probably needs to die."
There's no telling how many conversations in my life have gone like this:
"And I mean, really, (insert thought here)."
"Well, did you tell him/her so?"
"No, I didn't think of it until (later, this morning, just now, etc.)."
I know I'm not alone, but man.
On an entirely unrelated note, what the hell is up with this twitter thing on the left about Oprah??? I didn't write that. Oprah annoys me. Who the f*** is hacking my twitter??
EDIT: Nobody hacked my twitter. The widget only displayed tweets from "FearlessBeauty," but I recently changed my username to "ericarhyn" and twitter didn't keep up. Apparently whoever decided to become FearlessBeauty after me is super inspired by Oprah.
It's the story of my life, and I don't just mean the witty things. I'm talking about the things that needed to be said. The ways I really should have reacted. Yeah, we agreed that "the joke" needed to die, but it was a window into okay-really-where-is-this-going? and I managed to not even think of saying anything else outside of "yeah...that joke probably needs to die."
There's no telling how many conversations in my life have gone like this:
"And I mean, really, (insert thought here)."
"Well, did you tell him/her so?"
"No, I didn't think of it until (later, this morning, just now, etc.)."
I know I'm not alone, but man.
On an entirely unrelated note, what the hell is up with this twitter thing on the left about Oprah??? I didn't write that. Oprah annoys me. Who the f*** is hacking my twitter??
EDIT: Nobody hacked my twitter. The widget only displayed tweets from "FearlessBeauty," but I recently changed my username to "ericarhyn" and twitter didn't keep up. Apparently whoever decided to become FearlessBeauty after me is super inspired by Oprah.
Top Hats and Bib Overalls
Okay, so jokes about getting married someday are not cool. Gentlemen - if there are any out there reading this - take note. You just don't kid around with a female friend when it comes to that topic. It will mess with her head. And if it doesn't mess with her head, it will eventually begin to mess with yours. I've seen that happen, too.
Now, I do not necessarily mean that she will actually expect you to marry her. This is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that one of you will end up seriously bothered wondering just how the other feels. Even if you have already been given an idea, that won't cut it. You will need to know.
Now, I do not necessarily mean that she will actually expect you to marry her. This is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that one of you will end up seriously bothered wondering just how the other feels. Even if you have already been given an idea, that won't cut it. You will need to know.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tomorrow I start eating healthier again. I'm excited. I'm ready for energy again, for deliciousness at my own hands rather than those of the fast food manufacturers (I say "manufacturers" because, really, who actually cooks that stuff?), and for the weird looks my aunt and uncle give me when I pull out the miso paste or the sun-dried tomatoes (or, shoot, vegetables in general).
I went grocery shopping this evening, you see. My heart is happy.
Also, I find myself newly determined to start running again. With that said, it's just after 11:00 now. If I'm going to get up early enough in the morning, I should probably go to bed.
Yeah, I'm going to bed before midnight. Pretty regularly. I don't even have to be anywhere until 11 the next morning.
I went grocery shopping this evening, you see. My heart is happy.
Also, I find myself newly determined to start running again. With that said, it's just after 11:00 now. If I'm going to get up early enough in the morning, I should probably go to bed.
Yeah, I'm going to bed before midnight. Pretty regularly. I don't even have to be anywhere until 11 the next morning.
Monday, October 18, 2010
My To-Do Food List
I have decided that it is time to expand my cooking repertoire, particularly beyond the recipe realm. Recipes be damned (with the exception of baking). So I have decided to make a list of dishes to master. This list shall include many of those typical dishes that all the moms/grandmas/aunts/church ladies in our lives seem to know by instinct, but also stuff like Pad Thai, Okonomiyaki, Gyros, Tiramisu, and the perfect Taco. Okay, so I might have to keep some recipes around.
On my list so far, besides those that I just mentioned:
Tikka Masala (by suggestion of Amy Reyes)
Korma (also Miss Reyes' doing)
Curry (yes, it's a broad term, and I don't care)
Christmas Pudding
Pumpkin Pie
Apple (any fruit, really) Pie
Chili from scratch (I must break free from the packaged seasoning mix!)
a better Burger
homemade Milkshake
homemade Salsa (traditional, corn, black bean, mango, etc.)
Chicken and Dumplings
homemade Salad Dressings
Gumbo from scratch
Jambalaya from scratch
perfect Mashed Potatoes
Chicken Parmesan
homemade Pesto
Tempura (worked on this before, still trying to get the batter to my liking)
various Stir Fry Sauces
various Pasta Sauces
Roast Chicken
Biscuits from scratch
Potato Soup
Clam Chowder
Hot Cider
perfect Sweet Tea
perfect Latte
Chinese Dumplings (aka Potstickers)
Chicken Enchiladas
homemade Pizza
various homemade Pickles
Yeah, several items on this list are less than practical. I know that, and I don't really care. =D
I'm sure I shall think of more later. Any suggestions?
On my list so far, besides those that I just mentioned:
Tikka Masala (by suggestion of Amy Reyes)
Korma (also Miss Reyes' doing)
Curry (yes, it's a broad term, and I don't care)
Christmas Pudding
Pumpkin Pie
Apple (any fruit, really) Pie
Chili from scratch (I must break free from the packaged seasoning mix!)
a better Burger
homemade Milkshake
homemade Salsa (traditional, corn, black bean, mango, etc.)
Chicken and Dumplings
homemade Salad Dressings
Gumbo from scratch
Jambalaya from scratch
perfect Mashed Potatoes
Chicken Parmesan
homemade Pesto
Tempura (worked on this before, still trying to get the batter to my liking)
various Stir Fry Sauces
various Pasta Sauces
Roast Chicken
Biscuits from scratch
Potato Soup
Clam Chowder
Hot Cider
perfect Sweet Tea
perfect Latte
Chinese Dumplings (aka Potstickers)
Chicken Enchiladas
homemade Pizza
various homemade Pickles
Yeah, several items on this list are less than practical. I know that, and I don't really care. =D
I'm sure I shall think of more later. Any suggestions?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Erica's biggun sigh of relief
Okay, so the message I sent has been discussed openly, there is absolutely NO weirdness (weirdness, again, having been my biggest worry), and the other girl seems to be officially out of the picture, but it all comes down to distance. If it weren't for the distance.
This is not surprising. I mean, if I had a dollar for every time I heard "Erica, come to St. Louis," I could get a nicer car.
I will probably suggest eventually that the distance issue just sounds like a crutch (we've discussed "crutches" before), and I might point out the mega kick-ass friendship we've already developed almost exclusively long-distance that only keeps getting better, but for the time being I'm just really really happy that nothing is weird and that this friendship is still, in fact, mega kick-ass.
This is not surprising. I mean, if I had a dollar for every time I heard "Erica, come to St. Louis," I could get a nicer car.
I will probably suggest eventually that the distance issue just sounds like a crutch (we've discussed "crutches" before), and I might point out the mega kick-ass friendship we've already developed almost exclusively long-distance that only keeps getting better, but for the time being I'm just really really happy that nothing is weird and that this friendship is still, in fact, mega kick-ass.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Lie of the Day: No news is good news.
Within the next 24 hours (and I'm being generous here) I hope to know something to tell you all concerning the guy I mentioned a while back. I might be gushing (deal with it), I might be hurting (comfort me!), or I might still be completely uncertain about what will happen, but anything is better than the helpless wait for the phone call whilst trying not to be sick to my stomach (fml).
For the past...well...for a while now, I've been trying to scrounge up the balls to let this guy know that, at this point, all he has to do if he wants to be more than friends is ask. To make a long story short, I suddenly found the opportunity slipping away, drove two hours to see him so I could say it, failed, asked him to call me so I could say it, failed again, and then finally texted him since the words were clearly not ever going to come out of my mouth.
That was at about 1:15am on Friday night/Saturday morning. It is now roughly 6pm on Sunday. I still haven't heard anything.
Nerve-wracking, right? Right? Did I mention I haven't taken the initiative and put myself out there like this since my sophomore year of high school?
My worst fear, actually, is that this whole friendship will fall to shit, but I'd like to think that we're both better than that. I'd like to think that, should he not ultimately be into the idea (a.k.a. if he picks the other girl), we can still be understanding, we can respect each others' positions, and we can still be there for each other.
Then again, if he should do what I mentioned right there inside the parentheses, my monopoly is gone. As it has been recently, he talks to me on the phone more than he even sees anyone else, with maybe the exception of his uncle. If he ends up dating some other girl up, this just got really depressing. I'm going to go distract myself now.
P.S. I don't regret a damn thing.
For the past...well...for a while now, I've been trying to scrounge up the balls to let this guy know that, at this point, all he has to do if he wants to be more than friends is ask. To make a long story short, I suddenly found the opportunity slipping away, drove two hours to see him so I could say it, failed, asked him to call me so I could say it, failed again, and then finally texted him since the words were clearly not ever going to come out of my mouth.
That was at about 1:15am on Friday night/Saturday morning. It is now roughly 6pm on Sunday. I still haven't heard anything.
Nerve-wracking, right? Right? Did I mention I haven't taken the initiative and put myself out there like this since my sophomore year of high school?
My worst fear, actually, is that this whole friendship will fall to shit, but I'd like to think that we're both better than that. I'd like to think that, should he not ultimately be into the idea (a.k.a. if he picks the other girl), we can still be understanding, we can respect each others' positions, and we can still be there for each other.
Then again, if he should do what I mentioned right there inside the parentheses, my monopoly is gone. As it has been recently, he talks to me on the phone more than he even sees anyone else, with maybe the exception of his uncle. If he ends up dating some other girl up, this just got really depressing. I'm going to go distract myself now.
P.S. I don't regret a damn thing.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
"I fell off the horse again today..."
I can't believe it has taken me this long to notice that all those notes at the top of this page are backwards. I feel properly ashamed of myself. Also, the backwards notes may provoke enough irritation to require a layout change.
Anyway, I have to confess that I've been slacking a bit on my running. Have I mentioned here that I started running? Well, I started running. Every other day, in fact, but lately it's turned into every third day with the intention to get back to my every other day schedule. This is no bueno.
Also, I have recently succumbed to several moments of weakness in my eating habits (I despise the term "diet" and all its connotations). For example, my dinner this evening consisted of a Red Baron pepperoni pizza. Yes, my dears. The whole thing. Granted, this pizza would probably not even be considered medium at a restaurant (then again, the way standard pizza sizes are shrinking these days...), but still.
So what's a girl to do?
She gets back on that horse and rides on, duh.
Anyway, I have to confess that I've been slacking a bit on my running. Have I mentioned here that I started running? Well, I started running. Every other day, in fact, but lately it's turned into every third day with the intention to get back to my every other day schedule. This is no bueno.
Also, I have recently succumbed to several moments of weakness in my eating habits (I despise the term "diet" and all its connotations). For example, my dinner this evening consisted of a Red Baron pepperoni pizza. Yes, my dears. The whole thing. Granted, this pizza would probably not even be considered medium at a restaurant (then again, the way standard pizza sizes are shrinking these days...), but still.
So what's a girl to do?
She gets back on that horse and rides on, duh.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
"Fear not, I will help you."
I've been reading Don Miller's "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" and, of course, I love it. And of course, it's difficult. It's exactly the kind of stuff I have avoided dealing with. But that's not what I've set myself in front of this computer to write about (or is it?).
I don't have a copy of the book here with me, and as such I am unable to quote Don's words exactly. Sorry, Don. But it was basically this. Apparently, and it really doesn't surprise me at all, the most-used command in the entire Bible is "Do not fear." According to Miller, it shows up more than two hundred times.
Does anybody else think about this in terms of their own life and realize how perfect that is? Wow...God knew, didn't he? He knew just how badly I would need all that.
Fear. If the Word of God is any indication, it may be the single greatest contributor to Satan's cause. I know for a fact it has had its talons into me for a while. Deeply. It got to the point where I couldn't bring myself to give this blog the title I've used for so many other sites: Bellezza Impavida, fearless beauty. I couldn't do it. It felt like such a dirty, dirty lie.
Maybe the whole post-Eden, God/Humanity interaction set-up has left us particularly prone to it. We get separated from God, He is no longer an entity that we can physically see or (with very few exceptions) audibly hear, and even the very best of us can only know the tiniest portion of Him while we're on this earth, but He's still telling us what to do, and it so often goes against what we had planned, or what makes sense to us. Take down an entire kingdom with three hundred men, God? Really?
I'll tell you this, for sure. God made Gideon into one gutsy fella.*
God knew. He knew how important courage would be to the success of His children in their advancement of His kingdom. And He knew how vehemently the enemy would work to take that courage away.
I've recently experienced firsthand the power possessed by "you can" and "you will" that is so much greater than "you should" and "you need to." I guess, to simplify, I'm learning to appreciate the beauty of encouragement over judgment. I've had the latter in my life, or perceived that I have, for such a long time that having the former take the more predominant role is alarming and freeing and wonderful. It's like I'm starting to wake up from this forever-long, zombie-like stupor and I love it. There is still such a very long way to go, but I love it.
I think that, between one side of this coin or the other, the Bible is predominantly a "you can" sort of book. True, it comes with the emphasis that this empowerment is from God and not really through our own strength, but it ultimately tells us that, because of Him, we can do stuff. Big stuff. I might even go out on a limb here and use the term "huge." Is this not (wonderfully) crazy? That we have not been given "the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7)." There is absolutely, positively, no need to be afraid.
Perhaps, one day, I actually will learn to live this way. I have some serious fears to tackle first, but I ever so dearly wish this to happen. Don't you?
*See Judges 6-7
I don't have a copy of the book here with me, and as such I am unable to quote Don's words exactly. Sorry, Don. But it was basically this. Apparently, and it really doesn't surprise me at all, the most-used command in the entire Bible is "Do not fear." According to Miller, it shows up more than two hundred times.
Does anybody else think about this in terms of their own life and realize how perfect that is? Wow...God knew, didn't he? He knew just how badly I would need all that.
Fear. If the Word of God is any indication, it may be the single greatest contributor to Satan's cause. I know for a fact it has had its talons into me for a while. Deeply. It got to the point where I couldn't bring myself to give this blog the title I've used for so many other sites: Bellezza Impavida, fearless beauty. I couldn't do it. It felt like such a dirty, dirty lie.
Maybe the whole post-Eden, God/Humanity interaction set-up has left us particularly prone to it. We get separated from God, He is no longer an entity that we can physically see or (with very few exceptions) audibly hear, and even the very best of us can only know the tiniest portion of Him while we're on this earth, but He's still telling us what to do, and it so often goes against what we had planned, or what makes sense to us. Take down an entire kingdom with three hundred men, God? Really?
I'll tell you this, for sure. God made Gideon into one gutsy fella.*
God knew. He knew how important courage would be to the success of His children in their advancement of His kingdom. And He knew how vehemently the enemy would work to take that courage away.
I've recently experienced firsthand the power possessed by "you can" and "you will" that is so much greater than "you should" and "you need to." I guess, to simplify, I'm learning to appreciate the beauty of encouragement over judgment. I've had the latter in my life, or perceived that I have, for such a long time that having the former take the more predominant role is alarming and freeing and wonderful. It's like I'm starting to wake up from this forever-long, zombie-like stupor and I love it. There is still such a very long way to go, but I love it.
I think that, between one side of this coin or the other, the Bible is predominantly a "you can" sort of book. True, it comes with the emphasis that this empowerment is from God and not really through our own strength, but it ultimately tells us that, because of Him, we can do stuff. Big stuff. I might even go out on a limb here and use the term "huge." Is this not (wonderfully) crazy? That we have not been given "the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7)." There is absolutely, positively, no need to be afraid.
Perhaps, one day, I actually will learn to live this way. I have some serious fears to tackle first, but I ever so dearly wish this to happen. Don't you?
*See Judges 6-7
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My Good Week
A little list of things that made me smile this week:
- The return of my bestest best friend to SW Missouri. YES.
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Fondue at the Mud Lounge. That stuff's just...whoa. I mean...we're talking third date stuff right there. Or Girls' Night Out stuff. Okay, that sounded weird. I'm just saying, that stuff is really really good.
- Visiting Bolivar and reminding oneself just how soon one will be living there again. Say what you will, call me crazy, but I love that town. It is where the people dearest to me are - outside of my family - with only one, maybe two exceptions, and somehow it just seems to be better for my spiritual well-being. It's almost as though I like myself better when I'm in BoMo.
- Standing/walking in the rain.
- LIGHTNING. Lightning is kind of my "God thing." I don't know if that makes any sense, but there's nothing reminds me of the Father's power and artistry and love for me quite like an evening lightning display.
- Birthday Night! No, not mine. Sorry. See, every third Wednesday of the month at choir rehearsal, two or three people will bring yummy goodies in honor of that month's birthdays for everyone to enjoy after singing our hearts out. My dear friend, Marie, and I took charge this month. Praise for her pizza bread (as usual), my hummus, and our RAINBOW CAKE (see previous entry) abounded.
- Talking three different times in one day with a guy you really really like. Yeah...
- Sassy. She's the new Pomeranian puppy my aunt and uncle brought home a week ago. Granted, I prefer big dog breeds over the small ones, but all dogs are small when they're puppies, and what human being with a heart doesn't appreciate puppies on principle? Plus, she's just the funnest little ball of fluff.
- Taking care of SEVEN 4-6-yr-olds by oneself and NOT experiencing the urge to scream or curl up into the fetal position. Those kids were amazing today. Good times were had.
- The return of my bestest best friend to SW Missouri. YES.
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Fondue at the Mud Lounge. That stuff's just...whoa. I mean...we're talking third date stuff right there. Or Girls' Night Out stuff. Okay, that sounded weird. I'm just saying, that stuff is really really good.
- Visiting Bolivar and reminding oneself just how soon one will be living there again. Say what you will, call me crazy, but I love that town. It is where the people dearest to me are - outside of my family - with only one, maybe two exceptions, and somehow it just seems to be better for my spiritual well-being. It's almost as though I like myself better when I'm in BoMo.
- Standing/walking in the rain.
- LIGHTNING. Lightning is kind of my "God thing." I don't know if that makes any sense, but there's nothing reminds me of the Father's power and artistry and love for me quite like an evening lightning display.
- Birthday Night! No, not mine. Sorry. See, every third Wednesday of the month at choir rehearsal, two or three people will bring yummy goodies in honor of that month's birthdays for everyone to enjoy after singing our hearts out. My dear friend, Marie, and I took charge this month. Praise for her pizza bread (as usual), my hummus, and our RAINBOW CAKE (see previous entry) abounded.
- Talking three different times in one day with a guy you really really like. Yeah...
- Sassy. She's the new Pomeranian puppy my aunt and uncle brought home a week ago. Granted, I prefer big dog breeds over the small ones, but all dogs are small when they're puppies, and what human being with a heart doesn't appreciate puppies on principle? Plus, she's just the funnest little ball of fluff.
- Taking care of SEVEN 4-6-yr-olds by oneself and NOT experiencing the urge to scream or curl up into the fetal position. Those kids were amazing today. Good times were had.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Stuff to Impress Your Friends (no, seriously)
I would like to enlighten you all concerning one of the greater discoveries of my life to date: Rainbow Cake.
This baby is a work of ART, and there really are no skills necessary. Just knowing how to follow directions on a cake mix box and combining that knowledge with a little patience can yield a true thing of beauty. And I'm going to explain so that you can scamper off and create your own confectionery masterpiece.
You start with any cake batter, so long as it's white or cream-colored. We've used Betty Crocker's French Vanilla both times making this and we like the results. Anyway, you prepare your cake batter however it tells you to on the back of the box (or in the recipe if you prefer to make your cakes from scratch), and then you divide your batter into portions. Each portion will become a different color. Clearly, you can have as many portions as you'd like, but we like six.
Here is where the patience comes in, but not for the last time. Each portion is going to be dyed a different color. And if you've never used food coloring before, trust me when I advise you to START SMALL. Start out with, say, four or five drops of color in each bowl, mix the color in, and then add a couple more drops here and there as you see fit. I am fond of bold colors, and as such have used more food coloring than is probably healthy (doesn't the red kind cause cancer or something?). In case you haven't figured out yet, this cake is so much more fun to make with other people.
So you get your oven and baking pan ready according to whatever instructions you are following (we use a 9x13 dish) and pour each color in one at a time, in whatever order you fancy. It will look something like this when you've poured everything:

You can't actually tell, but there IS a difference between the orange and the pink there on top. Anywoot, you bake, you cool, you frost (this is where the patience comes back - frost SLOWLY or you're going to destroy the surface of your cake), and you get something that looks scarily similar to this:

You will feel like the coolest kid in the whole class with this cake. No lie.
This baby is a work of ART, and there really are no skills necessary. Just knowing how to follow directions on a cake mix box and combining that knowledge with a little patience can yield a true thing of beauty. And I'm going to explain so that you can scamper off and create your own confectionery masterpiece.
You start with any cake batter, so long as it's white or cream-colored. We've used Betty Crocker's French Vanilla both times making this and we like the results. Anyway, you prepare your cake batter however it tells you to on the back of the box (or in the recipe if you prefer to make your cakes from scratch), and then you divide your batter into portions. Each portion will become a different color. Clearly, you can have as many portions as you'd like, but we like six.
Here is where the patience comes in, but not for the last time. Each portion is going to be dyed a different color. And if you've never used food coloring before, trust me when I advise you to START SMALL. Start out with, say, four or five drops of color in each bowl, mix the color in, and then add a couple more drops here and there as you see fit. I am fond of bold colors, and as such have used more food coloring than is probably healthy (doesn't the red kind cause cancer or something?). In case you haven't figured out yet, this cake is so much more fun to make with other people.
So you get your oven and baking pan ready according to whatever instructions you are following (we use a 9x13 dish) and pour each color in one at a time, in whatever order you fancy. It will look something like this when you've poured everything:

You can't actually tell, but there IS a difference between the orange and the pink there on top. Anywoot, you bake, you cool, you frost (this is where the patience comes back - frost SLOWLY or you're going to destroy the surface of your cake), and you get something that looks scarily similar to this:

You will feel like the coolest kid in the whole class with this cake. No lie.
Friday, August 13, 2010
"Bret! It's 1986 David Bowie from the movie 'Labyrinth!'"
There's this thing that's happening in my world right now which has never happened before, and it's a little bit frightening.
I call it "reciprocation." And it is awesome...but frightening.
Now, I'm trying not to gush here. I feel like I'd have to make fun of myself immediately thereafter if I did (plus I find it can make for obnoxious reading). It's just not the sort of thing I've ever had to deal with, this reciprocation, and I don't know how to handle it. I mean, if this kid is half the romantic I suspect he might be, he'll have to be awfully patient with me, because I can already tell I'm not going to be very good at this game, and that's the gospel truth. I have missed my cue on so many occasions because I've either been too stupid at the time to catch the hint or I honestly had no clue how to respond and found myself semi-paralyzed by the situation. As such, I've come to realize that he has probably been more perplexed at times over the nature of my interest than I ever was over the nature of his. And I've had my share of perplexion.
But dear, sweet Auntie Josephine, I like this boy. Is that gushing? Would it be gushing to say that all of the 190 or so miles that exist between Springfield and St. Louis piss me off? That I don't feel deserving of all this goodness?
Maybe just a little. But what's a girl if she can't gush every now and then?
I call it "reciprocation." And it is awesome...but frightening.
Now, I'm trying not to gush here. I feel like I'd have to make fun of myself immediately thereafter if I did (plus I find it can make for obnoxious reading). It's just not the sort of thing I've ever had to deal with, this reciprocation, and I don't know how to handle it. I mean, if this kid is half the romantic I suspect he might be, he'll have to be awfully patient with me, because I can already tell I'm not going to be very good at this game, and that's the gospel truth. I have missed my cue on so many occasions because I've either been too stupid at the time to catch the hint or I honestly had no clue how to respond and found myself semi-paralyzed by the situation. As such, I've come to realize that he has probably been more perplexed at times over the nature of my interest than I ever was over the nature of his. And I've had my share of perplexion.
But dear, sweet Auntie Josephine, I like this boy. Is that gushing? Would it be gushing to say that all of the 190 or so miles that exist between Springfield and St. Louis piss me off? That I don't feel deserving of all this goodness?
Maybe just a little. But what's a girl if she can't gush every now and then?
Monday, August 9, 2010
Things I've Learned - Food & Cooking
An interesting development over the past couple years: I really like to cook.
I wouldn't call it a passion. Heavens, no. Sometimes I'm just too lazy. But a couple of days a week at least finds me doing more than just throwing together a sandwich or tapping into the frozen foods section of my aunt and uncle's garage. And I'm having fun with it.
Now, I am certainly not a natural. There has been lots of trial and error and sometimes things just bomb. I wish I could mean that literally, but alas, there have been no explosions to date. Still, I've played around. I've discovered stuff that doesn't work and I've discovered stuff that blows my mind. It's been super fun. And so, I thought I would present you with a few things I have learned about food and cooking. You may very well know all this stuff already. Consider it more of a recitation than an imparting of advice. Let's all celebrate - Erica's not a food idiot anymore.
Things I've Learned:
- Do not dare use fruit that may not be ripe, and I mean that. Mangoes especially, speaking from very recent experience. (Gooseberries are the only exception I can think of, as they are only used before they turn ripe, but there may be more.)
- Plain rice is kinda tasty. Yeah ok, look at me like I'm insane. Whatever man, I'm serious. And maybe it's the varieties I've been using. But befriending the Chinese community has taught me to appreciate rice for what it is. I ordered a general chicken rice bowl the other day and my jaw almost dropped in horror watching the bucket of sauce the girl unloaded on it.
- If you don't like something, look for a different way to cook it. Even the texture of a food can change depending on preparation. There are so many foods (not just vegetables) that I hated growing up because my parents only cooked them the same way. I won't lie - I'm still waiting to appreciate bell peppers in any capacity. But you shoulda been there the day I discovered grilled asparagus wrapped in bacon.
- Grilling anything that holds its shape is probably a good idea. Just don't ask me about methods. I actually have very little experience in this area.
- You CAN have too much sauce. You CAN have too much gravy. HOWEVER, I have yet to experience "too much cheese."
- When cooking pasta, "not enough" is always better than "too much." Always. Neither, of course, can beat "just right."
- Dull knives are super obnoxious. Seriously. They take the joy out of life, the universe, and everything.
- Stir-frying is one of the quickest and killerest ways to cook. Especially if you have a good sauce. For example, you can take basic teriyaki sauce (I make my own; it's so effing simple) and add stuff like minced garlic or minced ginger or crushed red pepper or ALL of those things. Or something completely different. Teriyaki is BOSS when it comes to experimenting.
- Experimenting is always good. It's how you learn.
- Food really does seem to taste better if it looks pretty. It's not a sham. Crappy-looking food can be amazing, don't get me wrong, but I get more excited about eating something if I've managed to make it look good. The more colors, the better.
- When trying something new (which should be done often), start small until you're familiar with its effects. Perfect example - wasabi. Oh holy Moses. That s***'s dangerous.
- Do NOT try to create any dish that uses raw fish if you live in a landlocked area, UNLESS you are willing to pony up some serious cash. Carpaccio, tartare, sashimi, tataki, etc., only work if you're using super-fresh fish, and that's hard to come by in the American Midwest (freshwater fish are almost never used for these dishes for safety reasons). Sushi made with thawed frozen salmon fillets from Walmart is pretty disgusting. Just trust me on this one. Find a sushi recipe that does not require raw fish, or else simply leave it to the people at the restaurants.
I wouldn't call it a passion. Heavens, no. Sometimes I'm just too lazy. But a couple of days a week at least finds me doing more than just throwing together a sandwich or tapping into the frozen foods section of my aunt and uncle's garage. And I'm having fun with it.
Now, I am certainly not a natural. There has been lots of trial and error and sometimes things just bomb. I wish I could mean that literally, but alas, there have been no explosions to date. Still, I've played around. I've discovered stuff that doesn't work and I've discovered stuff that blows my mind. It's been super fun. And so, I thought I would present you with a few things I have learned about food and cooking. You may very well know all this stuff already. Consider it more of a recitation than an imparting of advice. Let's all celebrate - Erica's not a food idiot anymore.
Things I've Learned:
- Do not dare use fruit that may not be ripe, and I mean that. Mangoes especially, speaking from very recent experience. (Gooseberries are the only exception I can think of, as they are only used before they turn ripe, but there may be more.)
- Plain rice is kinda tasty. Yeah ok, look at me like I'm insane. Whatever man, I'm serious. And maybe it's the varieties I've been using. But befriending the Chinese community has taught me to appreciate rice for what it is. I ordered a general chicken rice bowl the other day and my jaw almost dropped in horror watching the bucket of sauce the girl unloaded on it.
- If you don't like something, look for a different way to cook it. Even the texture of a food can change depending on preparation. There are so many foods (not just vegetables) that I hated growing up because my parents only cooked them the same way. I won't lie - I'm still waiting to appreciate bell peppers in any capacity. But you shoulda been there the day I discovered grilled asparagus wrapped in bacon.
- Grilling anything that holds its shape is probably a good idea. Just don't ask me about methods. I actually have very little experience in this area.
- You CAN have too much sauce. You CAN have too much gravy. HOWEVER, I have yet to experience "too much cheese."
- When cooking pasta, "not enough" is always better than "too much." Always. Neither, of course, can beat "just right."
- Dull knives are super obnoxious. Seriously. They take the joy out of life, the universe, and everything.
- Stir-frying is one of the quickest and killerest ways to cook. Especially if you have a good sauce. For example, you can take basic teriyaki sauce (I make my own; it's so effing simple) and add stuff like minced garlic or minced ginger or crushed red pepper or ALL of those things. Or something completely different. Teriyaki is BOSS when it comes to experimenting.
- Experimenting is always good. It's how you learn.
- Food really does seem to taste better if it looks pretty. It's not a sham. Crappy-looking food can be amazing, don't get me wrong, but I get more excited about eating something if I've managed to make it look good. The more colors, the better.
- When trying something new (which should be done often), start small until you're familiar with its effects. Perfect example - wasabi. Oh holy Moses. That s***'s dangerous.
- Do NOT try to create any dish that uses raw fish if you live in a landlocked area, UNLESS you are willing to pony up some serious cash. Carpaccio, tartare, sashimi, tataki, etc., only work if you're using super-fresh fish, and that's hard to come by in the American Midwest (freshwater fish are almost never used for these dishes for safety reasons). Sushi made with thawed frozen salmon fillets from Walmart is pretty disgusting. Just trust me on this one. Find a sushi recipe that does not require raw fish, or else simply leave it to the people at the restaurants.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
My Awesome, Super, Grand Comeback. I Think?
I know, right? I've been silent since February. And I don't even have a whole lot to say right now.
Okay, that's a lie. There will be things to say. There is enough to say, in fact, that I shall require time to sort it out and decide what to say first, and as such I shall say little for the time being. I only just now, after all, chose to return and recommence my activity here.
And so, in truth, there's really no telling just how well I'm going to keep it up this time.
Okay, that's a lie. There will be things to say. There is enough to say, in fact, that I shall require time to sort it out and decide what to say first, and as such I shall say little for the time being. I only just now, after all, chose to return and recommence my activity here.
And so, in truth, there's really no telling just how well I'm going to keep it up this time.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Official Super-Rad Video of the Week and Other Stuff
What that other stuff may be I have not yet decided.
Anyway, I'm kinda lame, not having posted an Official Super-Rad video last week, PLUS, I can't actually embed this video. You'll have to click the following link (and probably be logged on to facebook):
It may only be super-rad late at night, plus the goober on the left is my cousin, but STILL. It made me giggle hardcore, plus I haven't seen anything else official-super-rad-video-of-the-week-worthy, so there ya go. Enjoy the antics of Michelle and the young lady who is quite possibly her roommate.
Other random awesome things:
- In cleaning out a set of drawers that have not been sifted through for a minimum of four years, I found $20 I didn't know I had.
- Today was day 23 without soda. That, accompanied by eating better (I think), makes for slightly looser clothes. Or it may just be wishful thinking.
- I STILL have not taken down my Christmas Tree. It's been there so long I kinda forget that it is not part of my year-round decor. Same goes for the popcorn/cranberry garland draped along my window frame.
- I almost stole toilet paper the other night, and I probably would have gotten away with it, too. I carry the bag in my hand for all the world to see, TOTALLY spacing, and march right to the exit. I come to a sudden halt directly in the middle of the open automatic door, eyes popping, let out a quiet exclamation I should probably not repeat here, turn around and go to the register to pay. Nobody even twitched.
- Tonight was just a great rehearsal in choir. Not sure why, but I was in rather excellent form. Anyway, I had particular fun, which of course meant that rehearsal ended too soon for my liking. Ah well.
- Tomorrow I'm working a full eight hours at the church instead of the usual five. Extra hours FTW.
That is all. Good night!
Anyway, I'm kinda lame, not having posted an Official Super-Rad video last week, PLUS, I can't actually embed this video. You'll have to click the following link (and probably be logged on to facebook):
It may only be super-rad late at night, plus the goober on the left is my cousin, but STILL. It made me giggle hardcore, plus I haven't seen anything else official-super-rad-video-of-the-week-worthy, so there ya go. Enjoy the antics of Michelle and the young lady who is quite possibly her roommate.
Other random awesome things:
- In cleaning out a set of drawers that have not been sifted through for a minimum of four years, I found $20 I didn't know I had.
- Today was day 23 without soda. That, accompanied by eating better (I think), makes for slightly looser clothes. Or it may just be wishful thinking.
- I STILL have not taken down my Christmas Tree. It's been there so long I kinda forget that it is not part of my year-round decor. Same goes for the popcorn/cranberry garland draped along my window frame.
- I almost stole toilet paper the other night, and I probably would have gotten away with it, too. I carry the bag in my hand for all the world to see, TOTALLY spacing, and march right to the exit. I come to a sudden halt directly in the middle of the open automatic door, eyes popping, let out a quiet exclamation I should probably not repeat here, turn around and go to the register to pay. Nobody even twitched.
- Tonight was just a great rehearsal in choir. Not sure why, but I was in rather excellent form. Anyway, I had particular fun, which of course meant that rehearsal ended too soon for my liking. Ah well.
- Tomorrow I'm working a full eight hours at the church instead of the usual five. Extra hours FTW.
That is all. Good night!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Close, But No Cigar
I was really close to thinking I'd found my Official Super-Rad Video of the Week, and then it suddenly turned into the Officially Inappropriate Super-Rad Video of the Week. Some swearing is no huge deal to me, but go, kids. I'm still on the hunt.
This evening, when I have the time, I'll probably actually write something; assuming, of course, that my internet will be up and sufficiently running. Such was not the case earlier.
This evening, when I have the time, I'll probably actually write something; assuming, of course, that my internet will be up and sufficiently running. Such was not the case earlier.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Official Super-Rad Video of the Week
This is actually just one act of an entire musical. I need to do some more research on the group that decided to make this and how, but the whole thing is pure magic. Watch it, and you may get hooked on the whole blasted thing. =D
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Upon reading my last post, one can't help but notice how obvious it is that I've been single all my life. XD
But I will leave it just as it is. No shame.
But I will leave it just as it is. No shame.
Since you've been gone...
I have officially lived an entire week without the consumption of Dr. Pepper (or any other soda for that matter, with the exception of a small cup of punch that was half Sprite). Yes, it had to happen. None of this "let's take a break" or "give each other some space" bull-hockey. I ended it for good and, trust me, it's for the best. I shan't deny that it hurts, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would, honestly, which I find both sad and comforting. Made me realize I just didn't love him like I thought I did. Even so, the danger is still there. It still will probably take the passing of a few months before we can casually meet again without me getting pulled right back in by his charms.
This has been among the hardest of the steps I've taken recently to better care for myself, and I'm feeling rather empowered by it. But now, to bed, for good sleep is also necessary, and I've already brought tonight's amount down to 6.5 hours at best.
This has been among the hardest of the steps I've taken recently to better care for myself, and I'm feeling rather empowered by it. But now, to bed, for good sleep is also necessary, and I've already brought tonight's amount down to 6.5 hours at best.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Official Super-Rad Video of the Week
This is the first of what I hope shall become weekly installments. The Muppets have always held a special place in my heart. Enjoy.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Came to me out of nowhere...
"Anything is beautiful when viewed from the appropriate distance."
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Fringe Benefits
I have a job that lets me work around small children every once in a while, and I must say, it makes my heart happy.
At first, it didn't. Not that I didn't like kids, because I really do - it's just that "nervous" would have been a far more appropriate term. Small children hadn't been in my normal repertiore since the age of thirteen (back when my mother babysat full-time) and, as such, I had almost forgotten what to do with them. So the first time I failed to find enough childcare workers for a particular event and had to volunteer myself, I couldn't help feeling slightly frightened. At any rate, I know I was awkward around them, and I'm sure anybody - mothers especially - could clearly tell.
But practice makes...well, lots of improvement, anyway. At least the kiddies don't smell fear on me anymore. I'm almost good at this game, and I do adore them so. It feels wonderful, for example, when Gavin sees me on a Sunday morning and has to either wave really big or run over and hug me 'round the middle. Bless his ADHD little heart.
I'm still not one of those young women groaning inside going "I waaant oooooone." Not yet, at least. I mean, I do want children, fo sho, but the longing just doesn't plague me that deeply. Why yearn for one child of my own when I can just have Gavin, Cameron, Landen and Andrew two or three times a month?
At first, it didn't. Not that I didn't like kids, because I really do - it's just that "nervous" would have been a far more appropriate term. Small children hadn't been in my normal repertiore since the age of thirteen (back when my mother babysat full-time) and, as such, I had almost forgotten what to do with them. So the first time I failed to find enough childcare workers for a particular event and had to volunteer myself, I couldn't help feeling slightly frightened. At any rate, I know I was awkward around them, and I'm sure anybody - mothers especially - could clearly tell.
But practice makes...well, lots of improvement, anyway. At least the kiddies don't smell fear on me anymore. I'm almost good at this game, and I do adore them so. It feels wonderful, for example, when Gavin sees me on a Sunday morning and has to either wave really big or run over and hug me 'round the middle. Bless his ADHD little heart.
I'm still not one of those young women groaning inside going "I waaant oooooone." Not yet, at least. I mean, I do want children, fo sho, but the longing just doesn't plague me that deeply. Why yearn for one child of my own when I can just have Gavin, Cameron, Landen and Andrew two or three times a month?
Monday, January 11, 2010
You remind me of the babe...
So I just now realized that I misspelled nostril during the previous entry. My only comfort is that I misspelled it consistently. I'm not entirely sure why that's a comfort, but it is.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's listened to sermons/bible studies lately concerning the little episode when Jesus was 12 and his parents forgot him in Jerusalem and spent three days trying to find him. When they did find Jesus, as you may remember, he was hanging out in the temple absolutely blowing the religious scholars away with his knowledge and understanding of the scriptures.
And I wondered: do you think any of those scholars recognized him 18-21 years later? Or perhaps were even reminded of the boy who had astounded them with his insights?
(P.S. It is my dearest wish that someone catch the title reference.)
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's listened to sermons/bible studies lately concerning the little episode when Jesus was 12 and his parents forgot him in Jerusalem and spent three days trying to find him. When they did find Jesus, as you may remember, he was hanging out in the temple absolutely blowing the religious scholars away with his knowledge and understanding of the scriptures.
And I wondered: do you think any of those scholars recognized him 18-21 years later? Or perhaps were even reminded of the boy who had astounded them with his insights?
(P.S. It is my dearest wish that someone catch the title reference.)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Early Morning Rambles
I am never awake at 7:00 a.m. Never.
But then I've been kinda sick and spent a lot more of yesterday in bed than I'm used to.
Anyway, I've been gone for almost a month, and I apologize. Blogspot is just a weird thing to me compared to my previous blogging community. Maybe I'm just kind of an idiot and haven't figured things out yet, but it seems harder to find people here than it was on xanga. Anyway, after a month of moderately consistent bloggage (and commentage on a few friends' blogs) I was still without any following and slightly discouraged. My signing on a moment ago was also the first signing-on in a month and just sort of a random thing. I found I should have checked up on blogspot sooner, as I discovered it had earned me a free cd and a follower (many thanks to Sarah and Becky XD)!
Now, for this post to earn its title, I must vent my frustrations on my nose. Would that my nasal passages had pants in which I could give them a swift kick. You know how when you're congested and you can only breathe properly through one nostrel at a time and that nostrel REALLY gets to hurtin'? Exactly. TMI? Maybe, but there are scarier things I could tell you.
No pants to kick, so I think I'ma go snort salt water instead.
But then I've been kinda sick and spent a lot more of yesterday in bed than I'm used to.
Anyway, I've been gone for almost a month, and I apologize. Blogspot is just a weird thing to me compared to my previous blogging community. Maybe I'm just kind of an idiot and haven't figured things out yet, but it seems harder to find people here than it was on xanga. Anyway, after a month of moderately consistent bloggage (and commentage on a few friends' blogs) I was still without any following and slightly discouraged. My signing on a moment ago was also the first signing-on in a month and just sort of a random thing. I found I should have checked up on blogspot sooner, as I discovered it had earned me a free cd and a follower (many thanks to Sarah and Becky XD)!
Now, for this post to earn its title, I must vent my frustrations on my nose. Would that my nasal passages had pants in which I could give them a swift kick. You know how when you're congested and you can only breathe properly through one nostrel at a time and that nostrel REALLY gets to hurtin'? Exactly. TMI? Maybe, but there are scarier things I could tell you.
No pants to kick, so I think I'ma go snort salt water instead.
Realistically Speaking,

- Erica Grubaugh
- My name is Erica and I think too much...or maybe not enough. Or maybe I think too much but don't remember what I've thought so I could blog about it later. I really need to start carrying a notebook with me. Who knows what kind of money I could make with the craziness that happens in my head?
- beauty (1)
- Bible (1)
- Christianity (1)
- discussion (1)
- fear (1)
- God (1)
- perception (1)
- random (1)
- thoughts (1)
- vision (1)